august 2006
Externalisation/ European Union borders
- The Frontex agency started to deploy its control patrols off the Cape Verde and Mauritania. Negotiations with Senegal are still on to authorise these patrols off the Senegal coasts. Meanwhile, about 500 migrants have landed in the Canarian Islands within only two days.
- Since the beginning of the year 17,000 migrants have landed in the Canary islands. The government demands the help of the international community to face this problem.
- The landings in Lampedusa, as well as the wrecked boats, created a polemic in Italy. Inside of the country, the opposition political parties criticise the appeal created by the announcement of mass regularisations. Within the government, the very restrictive Bossi-Fini law was said to be responsible for new illegal immigrants. Outside Italy’s borders, illegal immigration constitute a leverage for Libya.
- Spain and Senegal have now co-joined patrols to watch the Senegalese coasts. The Senegalese interior minister, Ousmane Ngom, declared that illegal immigration should be treated as a humanitarian problem and according to its development.
in French, in Spanish
- Franco Frattini, the European commissioner in charge of Justice, Liberty, and Security agreed to this request and announced the creation of a new work team, of which he would be the chairman and composed of six European commissioners. This new work team will make a strategic proposal to the Council of European interior Ministers in Tampere, on the 21st and 22nd of September
- The Frontex agency decided to start a new mission probably in mid-September, which will consist of sending back to their departure points the boats, which have been intercepted in sea carrying migrants. This mission would be supported by the participation of at least five countries.
- A tri-partite meeting, including Italy, Malta and Libya will take place on the 6th of September. Libya refused until now that patrol boats of the EU intervene in its territorial waters. Amato, the Italian Interior Minister however underlined the need of the European Union to go to the Libya southern border.
Member States/ Third States
- In Padua, an eighty-meter-long and three-meter-high wall has been built, and isolates thus an ancient area of the town regrouping immigrated inhabitants without papers. The wall construction cost 80,000 million euros.
- A British think tank, migrationwatch, suggested that the right to live in Great-Britain depends on a yearly minimum income, which would be equivalent to 40,000 euros. Only one migrant on five would be in this case.
- France thinks that it is not possible to separate the immigration policy and the development policy. A document giving the basis of the cooperation between France and Mauritania for the next five years is being prepared.
- Campaign started by the European left-winged parties (GUE/NGL), on-line petition to close detention centres in Europe.
Website: No Fortress Europe
- Moroccan refugees have been rejected. This would appear to be a repressive response to the prisoners’ contestation against the way they are treated. They keep expressing their indignation.
- Demonstration in Lampedusa on the 10th of September. Appeal from varied Italian associations.
- [ARCOM, AFVIC and the collective for Moroccan refugees point out the fate of sub-Saharan Africa refugees in Morocco, following the death of Annie Milandu, an asylum seeker.