Migration seminars at the European Social Forum in Athens
Migrations Program
Specific actions
– Concert in solidarity to migrants
Wednesday May 3, Kotzia sq
– Action against the detention, against the exclusion. Equal rights for migrants and refugees!
Friday 9am meeting point thematic area «Migration»
– Assembly on Migrations Saturday May 6, 10am-1pm, Location E 104
– Migrants meet for the international demonstration
Saturday May 6, 2pm Victoria sq.
– Freedom of movement versus the European migration regime of camps and externalisation of the borders
1st slot, Thursday 4/05, 10am, Location
S 201
2nd slot : Thursday 4/05, 2.30pm Location S 201
– Asylum Right, Denied Right. Criminalization, resettling,
externalization. From the protection to the persecution of asylum seekers
Thursday 4/05, 6pm, Location F 27
– Fighting for legalisation and equal rights
Friday 5/05, 6pm, Location E 103
– Social equalization : struggles for social and political rights against social exclusion of migrants and refugees
Thursday 4/05, 6pm, Location S 201
– For a European citizenship of residence and foreign residents voting rights: current situation, act and get organized
Thursday 4/05, 6pm, Location F 23
– Migrant labour and migrant struggles in the process of precariousness
Friday 5/05, 2.30pm, Location S 201
– Rights and accomodation of isolated young minors
Friday 5/05, 10am, Location E 105
– Women, asylum, migration and insertion
Friday 5/05, 2.30pm, Location S 104
– What is wrong with the current anti-trafficking politics? A migrants’ and labour rights perspective for a new European agenda
Thursday 4/05, 10am, Location F 27
– Migrations and development: recognising migrants’ contribution to destination countries and to the development of countries in the South
Friday 5/05, 10am, Location F 38
– The trafficking of human beings: is there coherence amongst policies in Europe in order to fight female trafficking effectively? The role of civil society organizations
Friday 5/05, 6pm, Location F 18