Atlas of Migration in Europe (2019)
A critical geography of migration policies
The Atlas of Migration in Europe is a committed Atlas that underlines the inconsistencies and the consequences of migration management in the European Union. To understand the evolution of the European migration policy, Migreurop gathered information on a reality that is elusive, because of its geographical scale, but also of a desire for concealment by European governments.
Those fleeing war, poverty or political crises frequently risk their lives as they attempt to find sanctuary outside their home countries. Over the past 25 years, almost 40,000 migrants have been reported missing or died due to drowning or exhaustion on the borders of Europe. 6,000 migrants died in 2016 alone, making it the deadliest year on record.
Growing numbers of arrivals since 2015 have caused a wave of panic to sweep across the countries of the European Union, which has responded with an increasingly entrenched policy - the only one it considers appropriate - of fortifying its external borders. As a result, numerous walls and fences have sprung up to ‘regulate the flows’, new camps have been opened and reception centres have been set up beyond the frontiers of Europe, all this along with the progressive militarisation of surveillance and repression.
The EU has thus been just as active in precipitating this ‘migrant crisis’ as it has been in prolonging its effects. Indeed, this crisis calls into question the entire European system for border management and policies on immigration and reception.
Deconstructing preconceptions, changing the way we see others, probing borders and mapping the nexus of control and detention, the collection of articles, maps, photographs and illustrations in this Atlas, a Critical Geography of Migration Policies, seeks, above all, to give migrants a voice.
Table of Contents
Using the Maps
1. Visualizing Migration
2. Confinement (s)
3. Off-Shoring, Out-Sourcing and Remote Intervention
4. Migrant Routes Under Military and Police Surveillance
5. Mobilisations and Struggles
List of Figures
List of Authors
"Moving Beyond Borders"
A text enriched with unedited maps, charts and photographs. For each of these themes, the Atlas brings together more than one hundred maps, graphics, photographs : documents that allow to understand how borders shift and "outsource", to see the infrastructures at the service control policies and to illustrate the focus on security characterizing the development of migration in Europe and beyond.
For further information, please visit the website of Routledge