Migreurop monitoring of the Vincennes detention centre fire appeal
Migreurop monitoring of the Vincennes detention centre fire appeal
On 22 June 2008, the detention centre of Vincennes (France) burnt after several months of tension, the day after the suspicious death of a detainee. Several days earlier, a report by the French Ombudsman for detention places emphasized "the tension and violent atmosphere" in detention centres, especially in Vincennes.
Following the fire, 10 people have been charged, then convicted in March 2010 after a one-sided trial: lawyers of the defence had left the courtroom after 4 days considering that it was an unfair trial. Today, on 6 October, the appeal begins in Paris for six of the convicted people. The Migreurop network which has carried out a judicial monitoring activity at the first trial [1], will also be there for the appeal.
Follow the trial reports on the Migreurop website, Facebook and Twitter account.
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