Zoé Dutot, was hosted by the association ADITUS, in Malta, from October 2020 to March 2021 as part of session 23 of the Echanges & Partenariats programme on behalf of Migreurop, with the aim of analysing the detention of people in exile in the archipelago, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the evolution of national migration policy, the challenges of Malta’s geographical position, the management of its SAR zone and its relations with the European Union and its European neighbours (…)
Travaux des volontaires
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Voluntary service in Cyprus 2021/2022
As part of session #24 of the Echanges & Partenariats programmes, Hugo Roche Zaradzki, a volunteer on behalf of Migreurop, carried out his mission from October 2021 to March 2022 with KISA, a Cypriot member of the network. He was based in Nicosia and tasked with investigating the migration context in Cyprus, which is particularly hostile to people n the move, with a focus on the right to asylum, the detention of exiles, their criminalisation and that of their supporters.
He has (…)UK-French Border Mission 2022
In the framework of session n°24 of the programme "Echanges & Partenariats" (member of the IPAM network), Pierre Menzildjian went to Calais on behalf of Migreurop within the Platform of Migrant Support (PSM) from September 2021 to April 2022. During this five-month mission, he was able to investigate the evolution of the increasing militarisation of the UK-French border, as well as the impact of the Brexit on the rights of exiles.
Following the Brexit, and despite some divergences (…)