The Migreurop network was created at the European Social Forum in Florence in 2002, and was officially set up as an association in 2005. It now comprises 52 associations and 43 activists and researchers from 18 countries in Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Maghreb and the Middle East.
Migreurop’s aim is to document, decipher and jointly denounce the consequences of European migration policies on the rights and living conditions of migrants at every stage of their journey into exile (…)
Qui sommes-nous ?
Migreurop est un réseau euro-africain d’associations de défense des droits, de militant·e·s et de chercheuses et chercheurs. Son objectif est d’identifier, faire connaître et dénoncer les conséquences des politiques migratoires européennes sur les conditions de vie et le respect des droits des personnes en migration, tout au long du parcours d’exil (les entraves à la mobilité, la fermeture des frontières, l’enfermement formel et informel, les formes diverses d’expulsion, ainsi que l’externalisation des contrôles migratoires et de l’asile pratiquée par l’Union européenne et ses États membres). Le réseau Migreurop contribue ainsi à la défense des droits fondamentaux des exilé·e·s (dont celui de "quitter tout pays y compris le sien") et à promouvoir la liberté de circulation et d’installation pour toutes et tous.
Laatste artikelen
Migreurop’s member associations
The network relies on the expertise of its members (52 associations and 42 individual members), present in 18 countries in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. They put their different skills at the service of Migreurop, meeting regularly to exchange and build a shared analysis of the consequences of European migration policies, and thus develop synergies and common strategies to defend the fundamental rights of exiles.
List of Migreurop members : (…)Positioning statements
Call for the closure of camps for migrants and for freedom of movement
Call for the closure of camps for migrants, in Europe and beyond 2010
In member states of the European Union, as well as in neighboring countries (Libya, Morocco, Turkey, Ukraine) and beyond (Mauritania, Lebanon), the presence of an ever increasing number of zones of detention conceals policies and practices contrary to international commitments which some of these states are bound to (the United Nation Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, the International Convention on the (…)Call for the closure of camps for migrants, in Europe and beyond
In member states of the European Union, as well as in neighboring countries (Libya, Morocco, Turkey, Ukraine) and beyond (Mauritania, Lebanon), the presence of an ever increasing number of zones of detention conceals policies and practices contrary to international commitments which some of these states are bound to (the United Nation Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, etc.). In Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, migrants are (…)
Videos of Migreurop members
Migreurop is a network of 51 associations and 40 individual members in 17 countries in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. One of the network’s distinctive features is that it brings together a wide range of grassroots associations, researchers and activists, who pool their knowledge and skills, to collectively document, decipher and denounce the consequences of European migration policies. Thanks to this common analysis, Migreurop fosters synergies and joint mobilisation strategies in favor (…)
Activity Reports
Every year, Migreurop publishes its activity report. It presents a summary of the political context, a review of the network’s associative life and activities over the year, and a financial report.
All activity reports are available in French here.