We demand the immediate release of Moussa Tchangari, rights defender and General Secretary of the Alternative Espaces Citoyens (AEC) association, who was imprisoned on 3 January 2025 after a month in police custody.
Moussa Tchangari was arrested at his home on 3 December 2024 on his return from an international trip. Charged with undermining state security, criminal conspiracy in connection with terrorism and glorifying terrorism, he spent a month in police custody before being presented (…)
Articles in this section
Joint Statement on the State Crime at Pylos
A year and a half has passed since the state crime near Pylos, Greece, led to the deaths of over 600 people migrating to Europe. Despite irrefutable evidence and survivor testimonies from the shipwreck, those responsible for this crime have yet to face judicial consequences. The perpetrators continue to operate with impunity, posing an ongoing threat to displaced individuals and exemplifying the immunity they enjoy.
The state crime at Pylos was neither an isolated incident nor the last. (…)Tunisia: No to the Criminalization of Solidarity with Migrants
Call for Solidarity with Abdallah Said
On November 12, 2024, Abdallah Said, activist and president of the Enfants de la Lune association in Médenine , was placed in police custody by the Tunisian financial investigation unit. After a long interrogation, the charges against him remain unclear, but they appear to be mainly related to his humanitarian work supporting refugee, migrant, and abandoned children in the Médenine region.
This event is part of a troubling trend of criminalizing solidarity in Tunisia, which has (…)Frontex celebrates 20 years of rights violations with impunity
The European coastguard and border guard agency turns 20 years old on this 26 October 2024 . It’s a sad anniversary for an agency that has been widely blamed for decades for direct and indirect violations of the rights of people on the move . An agency whose aim is to ‘protect’ Europe’s borders, with no regard for the lives and safety of those who try to cross them. An agency that is the symbol of a deadly border regime and the standard-bearer of repressive and ultra-secure migration (…)
Frontex’s 20th anniversary should also be its last
Open Letter
26 October 2024
Dear Ms. Ursula von der Leyen,
October 26 will mark the 20th anniversary of Frontex, the EU’s border agency. It should also mark the last.
Frontex is a deadly failed experiment. It has made countless people less safe, eroded the values and ideals the European Union claims to hold dear, and provided a backdoor into government for corporate power.
When Frontex was found to be complicitin systematic and serious human rights violations in Greece – by none other than the (…)