Zoé Dutot, was hosted by the association ADITUS, in Malta, from October 2020 to March 2021 as part of session 23 of the Echanges & Partenariats programme on behalf of Migreurop, with the aim of analysing the detention of people in exile in the archipelago, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the evolution of national migration policy, the challenges of Malta’s geographical position, the management of its SAR zone and its relations with the European Union and its European neighbours (…)
articles mots
Free the El Hiblu 3 !
Collective action: open letter to Attorney General Victoria Buttigieg
On 28 September 2022, the 3.5 year anniversary of the arrival of the El Hiblu 1 in Malta, Migreurop joins the "Free the El Hiblu 3" campaign and co-signs the open letter addressed to Attorney General Victoria Buttigieg to request that the Maltese authorities drop all charges against Abdalla, Amara and Kader.
Dear Attorney General Dr Victoria Buttigieg,
On 28 March 2019, the merchant vessel El Hiblu 1 arrived in Malta. Three teenagers were arrested and accused of having committed (…)New kinds of confinement at the borders of the European Union
Proceedings of the Migreurop Conference - Madrid 2019
Since the implementation of the “hotspot approach” by the European Union (EU) in 2015, Migreurop has been decoding its consequences on migrants’ rights in publications and throughout various international meetings (Calais 2015, Rabat 2016). Preventing exiles’ arrivals and criminalizing migration are the aim of this mechanism – which is not new – and it comes with an increase of violence and violations of migrants’ rights within a security policy framework. After five years, what is the (…)
The serious risk caused by the italian government’s position in the Aquarius’ issue : spanish intervention does not raise Italy from its responsibilities
Press releases ASGI
At the time of writing, the case of the vessel Aquarius has not yet come to an end which will hopefully be a positive one, thanks to the intervention of Spanish authorities and despite the conduct of the Italian Government.
The welcome decision of Spain to choose solidarity and to take in charge, materially and legally, the survivors rescued by the Aquarius shall not obfuscate the serious responsibility of the Italian (…)Malta
Malta is a small and densely populated archipelago situated in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. Since 1 May 2004, it forms part of the southern-most borders of the European Union.
In Malta, immigration is a recent phenomenon triggered in part by the arrival of Iraqi refugees fleeing the first Gulf war during the 1990s. The archipelago is situated in the Mediterranean Sea between Sicily, Libya and Tunisia. It is thus situated on the path of many migrants leaving North (…)