Introduction to the Migreurop network

The Migreurop network was created at the European Social Forum in Florence in 2002, and was officially set up as an association in 2005. It now comprises 52 associations and 43 activists and researchers from 18 countries in Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Maghreb and the Middle East.

Migreurop’s aim is to document, decipher and jointly denounce the consequences of European migration policies on the rights and living conditions of migrants at every stage of their journey into exile (militarisation of borders and obstacles to mobility, formal and informal administrative detention, various forms of expulsion, and externalisation of border control and asylum). To achieve this, the network draws on the expertise of its members in the field and its researcher members in various disciplines (law, anthropology, geography, history, political science, cartography and sociology) to create tools for decoding these issues in order to equip civil society and raise public awareness.

Migreurop struggles against the detention of migrants, and therefore for the closure of all camps for foreigners, and for freedom of movement and settlement for all, which is its natural corollary.

The network’s work focuses on three areas:

  • Documenting: Migreurop collects and systematises information from the field on the living conditions of migrants, their (lack of) access to rights and the violence they suffer during their exile. The network also documents the development, evolution and application of migration policies in Europe and Africa.
  • Deciphering: Migreurop brings together the information gathered through the joint work of its individual and association members, researchers and activists. Migreurop produces shared, multidisciplinary analyses of the consequences of migration policies on the lives of exiled people on a regional scale and from a historical perspective. The network then uses these analyses to produce a variety of tools for decoding the situation (4-page thematic briefs, atlases, observation/mission reports, podcasts and videos).
  • Denounce: On the basis of these documented analyses, Migreurop denounces European migration policies that are hostile to people on the move by clearly naming the multifaceted and deadly reality of obstacles to mobility, such as the Europe of camps, the war on migrants or mobility apartheid. The network nurtures and supports Euro-African civil society organisations and mobilisations: sharing and disseminating tools, capacity-building activities and raising awareness among the general public.

Migreurop activity reports

Activity Report 2023 (EN)

Find all the activity reports from previous years

Migreurop’s bodies

The General Assembly 2023, held on 7 and 8 October in Marseille, elected the following members to the Council:

As individual members: Morgane Dujmovic/Alizée Dauchy, Filippo Furri/Cristina Del Biaggio, and Sophie-Anne Bisiaux/Valentina Zagaria

The Council elected a new co-presidency (AMDH, Statewatch, Sophie-Anne Bisiaux and Valentina Zagaria) for a two-year mandate, as well as the network’s treasurer (Alaa Talbi).

If you are interested in joining the Migreurop network as an association
or as an individual member, please send your application to the following e-mail address Your message will be transmitted to the Council.