Migrant detention in the European Union : a thriving business

Outsourcing and privatisation of migrant detention

In the decade influenced by the September 11 attacks, a “migration security market” sprang up, as the interests of European political leaders willing to militarize EU borders progressively converged with those of the main defense and security service providers. Within this market, immigration detention – at borders and within the EU – plays a growing role. By presenting the various facets of privatisation of immigration detention in Europe (United-Kingdom, France and Italy), this report aims to provide a tool to decode the issues around these “outsourcing” realities, both in terms of the detainees’ living conditions and treatment and in terms of the symbolic and political consequences of these choices.


Maps and graphics: Lydie Arbogast, Olivier Clochard, Olivier Pissoat, Louise Tassin, Ronan Ysebaert (mapping group of Migreurop)

Design, visuals, graphics : Mélanie Heddrich

Production: HDMH sprl

Photos: Caruso Pinguin, Michael Gubi, Konrad Lindenberg © Creative Commons / Flickr