INTERNATIONAL MEETING on the Mediterranean borders
Cecina (Italie) June 27th and 28th, 2011. Antiracist meeting organised by ARCI
This meeting is in line with a larger debate on the Mediterranean area, organised by ARCI in cooperation with EMHRN and Migreurop “The wind of Change. Equality and dignity in the Mediterranean” (see the three day meeting programme in the attached document), which will be held from June 27 to 29, 2011 in Cecina (Italy).
Major political changes, announcing the end of totalitarian regimes are in progress in the south of the Mediterranean. However, the main concern of EU governments and authorities is to protect themselves against “uncontrollable migratory influx" [1] that such upheavals could generate. The European institutions and members states do not hesitate to criminalise these 40 000 migrants, who arrived from North Africa, in Europe, via Lampedusa.
This island in the middle of the Mediterranean sea, has become a symbol of the ‘invasion’, based on the creation of a state of emergency by the Italian government, with the support of European institutions and the Frontex agency. “Evictions agreements” were negotiated with the new Tunisian government, which wasalso asked for the reinforcement of controls at its borders to stop the departure of migrants. Italy placed material equipment (boats, radars, thermal cameras) at Tunisian authorities’ disposal to help them in this task. [2]
At present, the migrants who set off from North Africa and seek protection in Europe are caught in a deadly grip. On the one hand, the Libyan regime of colonel Gaddafi pushes them off aboard sea relics; on the other hand, ships under the flags of the states part of the international coalition refuse to assist these boat people who are in danger [3] . Since earlyFebruary 2011, about , 2,000 persons died at sea trying to reach fortified coasts of southern shore of the Mediterranean. Theses dramas are to be added to about 15,000 victims of a ”war against migrants” which is now reaching inhuman levels.
June 27th afternoon and 28th morning , 2011 PROGRAMME
Section Migrants, refugees, borders of ‘The wind of change’
June 27th : 2.00 pm - 6.00pm
Olivier Clochard (Migreurop) and Marc Schade-Poulsen (EMHRN) Introduction : Migration aspects in the Mediterranean area, in the context of the Arab spring.
Claire Rodier (Gisti-Migreurop) and Nejla Sammakia: Changes of the Mediterranean south-bank countries’ role in the implementation of control mechanisms.
Filippo Miraglia (ARCI-Migreurop) and Nicola Grigion (MeltingPot-Migreurop): Management of the “immigration crisis” by Italy : in between reception, detention and deportations.
Father Moses Zerai (Agency Habeisha) : living conditions of migrants in Libya
DISCUSSION: Face to the deterioration of the living conditions in the refugee camps at the Tunisia/Libya and Libya/Egypt borders, the slaughter happening in the sea and the inhospitality politics led by European states, which propositions for mobilizations for a “solidarity intervention in the Mediterranean sea”?
This debate will be set up with the participants to the international meetings (Migreurop, ARCI, EMHRN, Europe-Afrique network, FMAS’s members, etc.) as well as with European deputees: Hélène Flautre, Marie-Christine Vergiat, Cornelia Ernst.
Tuesday June 28th : 9:30 -13:00
Freedom of movement section and racism and islamophobia as part of “The wind of change” meeting.
coordination Daiber Birgit
Alexandre Le Cleve (Cimade-Migreurop): Refugees stranded in Libya: when will a humanitarian corridor be opened to stop the slaughter in the Mediterranean sea (report of the propositions made in the debate on monday)
Mouhiedinne Cherbib (FTCR-Migreurop) : Follow-up of the meeting on Tunisian Immigration, in the prospect of the election of the constituent assembly : what potential impact on questions related to immigration policies?
Brigitte Espuche (Anafé-Migreurop) : The questioning of the freedom of movement within the Schengen area
Ali El Baz (ATMF-Migreurop): For a freedom of movement in the Mediterranean area?
Amor Boubakri (REMDH ) Immigration-related relations between Europe and the Maghreb: towards a democratization of the relations between the two Mediterranean shores. Immigration as a development opportunity.
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