We demand the immediate release of Moussa Tchangari, rights defender and General Secretary of the Alternative Espaces Citoyens (AEC) association, who was imprisoned on 3 January 2025 after a month in police custody.
Moussa Tchangari was arrested at his home on 3 December 2024 on his return from an international trip. Charged with undermining state security, criminal conspiracy in connection with terrorism and glorifying terrorism, he spent a month in police custody before being presented (…)
Lastest news
Mission Malta October 2020-March 2021
Zoé Dutot, was hosted by the association ADITUS, in Malta, from October 2020 to March 2021 as part of session 23 of the Echanges & Partenariats programme on behalf of Migreurop, with the aim of analysing the detention of people in exile in the archipelago, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the evolution of national migration policy, the challenges of Malta’s geographical position, the management of its SAR zone and its relations with the European Union and its European neighbours (…)
Joint Statement on the State Crime at Pylos
A year and a half has passed since the state crime near Pylos, Greece, led to the deaths of over 600 people migrating to Europe. Despite irrefutable evidence and survivor testimonies from the shipwreck, those responsible for this crime have yet to face judicial consequences. The perpetrators continue to operate with impunity, posing an ongoing threat to displaced individuals and exemplifying the immunity they enjoy.
The state crime at Pylos was neither an isolated incident nor the last. (…)For the immediate release of Moussa Tiangari, Secretary General of Alternative Espaces Citoyens Niger.
Joint Statement by Loujna-Tounkaranké and Migreurop
We have learned with shock and dismay about the "raid carried out on December 3, 2024, around 8:00 p.m. by armed individuals in civilian clothing at the home of Moussa Tiangari, Secretary General of the association Alternative Espaces Citoyens (AEC). He was taken away before the helpless eyes of his family to an unknown destination." During the arrest, the assailants reportedly also seized his personal belongings, including his computer, suitcase, and mobile phone.
It took 48 hours of (…)Thousands of Deaths at Europe’s Doorstep
A cartographer’s perspective, by Nicolas Lambert
To see how the map evolves over time, scroll down this page or see here (note: due to the amount of data processed, the map may take a few tens of seconds to display or update).
This map by Nicolas Lambert shows how the seas bordering Europe have become cemeteries for tens of thousands of people fleeing war, dictatorship, or poverty. It presents 31 years of data, shifting "the perspective from isolated incidents to a geographic and systemic reading."
Since the early 2000s, nearly 68,000 (…)